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The Basics of Google Ads

Advertising can sometimes be complex, especially when it comes to Google. But getting your brand out there in front of new customers is imperative to growing your business. Google is one of the most-used search engines for literally everything, so it’s worth it when it comes to Google Ads. Although it looks like a lot to take in, we’ve gathered the basics to get you started!


Before you can start creating and running Google Ads, you’ll need to create an ad account. To do this, you’ll need some information about your business, including your email and website. Sign in and create your ad account here.


One of the easiest ways to get your name out there and draw in new customers is by utilizing Google Ads geared toward website traffic. These ads include:

  • Search Ads: targeted, text-based ads that appear when certain keywords are searched
  • Display Ads: targeted, text- and photo-based ads that appear across the web
  • Shopping Ads: targeted, product promotion ads listed in Google products
  • Video Ads: targeted, video-based ads that appear on YouTube and across the web
  • Discovery Ads: broad, visual-based ads that appear on YouTube, Gmail, Discover, etc.

In this blog, we’ll teach you about two of our favorite types of Google Ads, Search and Display, that are great for all business types and the best ways to utilize them.


Google Search Ads are just what they sound like—ads that appear when searching. When creating a search ad, you use specific keywords that are related to your main focus. This allows customers to read a small blurb about your website, or whatever you are promoting, when they search for those keywords. It works by displaying a headline and description that gives potential customers an overview of your business and what they can expect to find on your website when they click on it.


When coming up with your keywords, think about what you would type in the Search Bar when you’re surfing the web for something specific. Keep your business and what you offer at the center of your focus, and write relevant keywords that are specific to your industry, business, or services. Check out this article for more information on keywords!


Headlines are the blue titles that appear on everything you see when you use the Google search engine. They are the clickable links that draw your attention first. These are limited to 30 characters, including spaces, with the option of up to 15 headlines. The goal for good headlines is to get straight to the point and relevant from the consumer’s perspective. For example, if someone is searching for “wedding flowers near me”, they might be drawn to a headline that reads “Custom Wedding Flowers | Flowers by Lisa”. The vertical line, also called The Pipe on your keyboard, represents a separation between two headlines. Google automatically groups your Headlines in different ways based on performance, so you’ll want to write them as if they could be paired with any of your other headlines. You don’t have to utilize all 15 headline options, but we recommend using 3-5 for best results. Remember that punctuation on all Google Ads is limited. We suggest using only periods to prevent your ad from being rejected upon review.


Descriptions appear directly underneath headlines, and are a short snapshot of your services or whatever you are linking viewers to, for example, a specific page on your website. Google descriptions are limited to 90 characters, including spaces, and you can write up to 4 of them for a Search Ad. The punctuation restrictions also apply to these, so keep it as simple as possible and don’t forget to be direct! Write something that is a clear picture of what you offer that also leaves room for questions to entice them to click on your link. These are paired with your headlines based on performance, so if you choose to write more than one, be sure that they make sense as a standalone description.


If you have high-quality photos and want to show off your work, Display Ads might be the right option for you! They are similar to Search Ads in the sense that they utilize headlines and descriptions, and each have the same character restrictions. A Display Ad allows for up to 5 headlines, 1 long headline (90 character limit), and 5 descriptions.


Instead of keywords, Display Ads use audience categories for specific targeting. You can choose from the suggested categories or browse for even more specific categories related to your ad. For a broader audience and bigger reach, include more categories, and for a small, more specific reach, include less.


It’s important to use high-quality images when creating a Display Ad, and one useful tool that Google has is the option to make your photos look more professional with logos. You can upload both landscape and square images, and Google will tell you the image size restrictions upon upload.

This overview should help you get started on Google Ads! They are a great investment for growth and website traffic.

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