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marketing tips

A bride-to-be tries on wedding dresses at a shop with employees help.

Sell an Experience, Not a Product

Shifting your focus to selling an experience rather than just the product itself can be the first step in drawing your customers’ attention to your brand.

woman handing customer bag

Customer Loyalty Programs

Is focusing on customer loyalty worth it? Absolutely. Customer loyalty can be the driving force behind your business! Find out more about the importance of customer loyalty, how you can get it, and the types of customer loyalty programs that might be right for you and your business.

Someone filling out a survey

Bettering Your Business with Surveys

Surveys are one of the easiest ways for a company to receive feedback. They help drive your business forward in more ways than one and can be an easy part of helping you make decisions as a company. In the past, collecting data was a long and strenuous process; however, recently, receiving feedback from your customers, employees, or even the general market has become easier than ever before. Surveys are an essential part of growth, and we’re here to show you how you can create the perfect survey to help your business grow.

Two businessmen shaking hands

The Value of Referrals

Word-of-mouth has a huge impact on the growth of your business. We’re here to teach you about the value of referrals and how to get them.

hand holding phone scrolling social media

Social Media – What’s That?

Social media can be a fantastic tool for your business. It can provide many benefits and give you an advantage over your competition. But how do you get followers and create a more loyal customer base?

woman waving at computer screen

Improving Your Virtual Customer Service

We all know that customer service is one of the most critical functions of your business. Without showing your customers that you support them and hear their needs, you risk losing your credibility as a business. During 2020 we have discovered the importance of upkeeping your online business and how it can help keep you afloat when you can’t be face-to-face with your customers. Customer service comes in many shapes and forms and should not be ignored, especially when it comes to your virtual business. So how can you make sure you’re maintaining good customer service online? Keep reading to find out.

A zoomed in photo of a phone open to the home page of the Instagram app.

Let’s Get Reel: Instagram Reels

Step up your marketing game with Instagram Reels! We wanted to show you all the basics so you can create fun, trendy, and informative marketing materials that will get people interested!